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Our Program



Bright Light Counseling is committed to being a trauma-informed organization and we value safety, strength-based approaches, collaboration, self-care, and culture-centeredness as fundamental to all aspects of service delivery.

Our program is a trauma-informed, therapeutic milieu that supports positive coping, a safe environment, and is person centered. Since responses to traumatic experiences influence a person in a variety of domains in life including emotional, social, physical, behavioral, cognitively, and developmentally, it is vital to have an ecological and strength-focused response to individual needs. Putting knowledge of the prevalence, types of trauma, and the impact of trauma into action requires therapeutic relationships with consistency, empathy, and culturally appropriate responses. Since engagement of natural supports is the core of the services we provide, we believe a collaborative approach provides the best avenues for support.

Our Values

Bright Light Counseling is committed to being a trauma-informed organization and we value safety, strength-based approaches, collaboration, self-care, and culture-centeredness as fundamental to all aspects of service delivery.


It is widely known that many children who receive residential services have complex trauma histories, thus BLC intends to use Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (TF-CBT) as our Evidenced Based Treatment Model for residential treatment services. Our philosophy embraces trauma-informed care in all aspects of service delivery, to create a culture-centered and wellness focused environment for the people we serve.

Wellness & Recovery

Through our program, participants will engage in prosocial activities and learn skills for emotional regulation, relationship-building, enhancing trust, and parenting skills for the caregiver. Our philosophy is wellness and recovery-focused, with the overarching goal of our program to promote recovery and resilience. 

Building Resiliency

Using a multidisciplinary approach, BLC strives to assist at-risk youth in building resiliency through positive behavior support. Our key principles reflect trauma-focused and recovery-oriented values and are integrated in every aspect of our program. We are looking forward to working with you and providing quality services to the individuals and families in the catchment area.


Our program is a trauma-informed, therapeutic milieu that supports positive coping, a safe environment, and is person centered. Since responses to traumatic experiences influence a person in a variety of domains in life including emotional, social, physical, behavioral, cognitively, and developmentally, it is vital to have an ecological and strength-focused response to individual needs. Putting knowledge of the prevalence, types of trauma, and the impact of trauma into action requires therapeutic relationships with consistency, empathy, and culturally appropriate responses. Since engagement of natural supports is the core of the services we provide, we believe a collaborative approach provides the best avenues for support.

Our program is designed for children and youth who have documented reports of abuse, maltreatment, and/or behavioral health needs and cannot safely live in a family or community setting. For inclusion in our program, clients must be a female between the ages of 10-14 and have DSS involvement. In addition, members must need or benefit from trauma-informed services. Placement must be a transition from a PRTF, MST, or IIH and the CFT must have found the service necessary for the health and safety of the child. the following requirements must be met: client needs significant intervention to comply with treatment, the client’s needs cannot be met with another service, and client has severe affective, cognitive, or behavioral problems. Clients may have severe difficulty in maintaining a family setting or lower level of treatment, have frequent aggression toward themselves of others, have difficulty functioning in school or other community settings, and need additional, intensive supports to stabilize and manage personal safety.

TF-CBT Counseling

TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) will be provided on-site. To be eligible for TF-CBT, exposure to a traumatic event must have been experienced or witnessed, and must have resulted in intense feelings of helplessness, fear, or horror. Symptom clusters of re-experiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal must be present for one month or more and must be clinically significant and causing major impairments in functioning. Individuals referred to the level III residential program will receive a trauma assessment that will include the completion of a How I Think Questionnaire, UCLD PTSD Reaction Index Scale, and any other measurements deemed necessary by the TF-CBT Licensed Professional. The trauma assessment must identify Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnostic criteria as met and must deem TF-CBT as clinically appropriate to receive this on-site service.

S.E. L. F. Group Curriculum

The S.E.L.F. (Safety, Emotions, Loss, & Future) group curriculum is a cognitive-based model that addresses exposure to violence without focusing on individual events. Available through the sanctuary model developers, it is a non-linear manual with four concepts: Safety, Loss, Emotions, and Future. The curriculum helps participants think differently about their problems and helps them connect with resources that promote resiliency. Through group intervention, clients will utilize cognitive-behavioral techniques aimed at skill development and positive coping. Examples of topics include functional coping, stress management, communication skills, etc. During group sessions, members will participate in activities such as psychoeducation, guided imagery, expressive arts, yoga, cognitive coping, social skills training etc., to improve self-regulation skills. 

Family Engagement

We strongly believe in an ecological approach, that includes natural supports and family members as much as possible into treatment. Our program is focused on family engagement and includes behavioral parent training, family support, therapeutic leave opportunities, and family therapy. Using supports that the member has identified, we encourage family participation with all our members. We believe that a true system of care approach begins with connecting the member to their immediate natural supports and promote this throughout our admission process and collaborations throughout treatment. Families are encouraged to attend weekly family sessions at the residential facility. We believe the importance of providing interventions to caregivers, including family members, to provide a smooth transition back into their homes and to encourage the involvement of natural supports.

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